Keaunna Figgers

Is a young woman who has defined what life is really about to so many others. She has faced many battles in her life already that most of us will never know. Her first challenge was being born with Down syndrome (having an extra copy of the 21st chromosome), but she has not let that limit her. She had open-heart surgery at the age of 3 months and it became very apparent how resilient she was. At a very young age she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and her artwork became her therapy. It was at this time that she developed her brilliant business idea.

Keaunna explains to people that she has an extra copy of the 21st chromosome, but this doesn’t make her different, it makes her special. This extra chromosome has made certain things in her life a little more challenging, but it does not define who she is, it simply enhances her beauty. Keaunna is an amazing young woman with enough determination to make this world a better place and considers it her duty to never give up. She is finding her voice in this world and developing a splendid way to have it heard through her artwork and her business C-21 PROJECT.

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